Fortunes are spent on advertising, marketing and communications to build a brand identity and image. And then companies will go put that at risk, by design or default, through having in the value chain, people over whom they have no quality control. And that includes the call centres of those 'links' in the chain.
I've just gone through an artery-bursting two days trying to get a satellite tracking device fitted to a vehicle. I decided after many years of being with a useless (and expensive) insurance broker, to do the de riguer 'thing' and go direct. I called Outsurance and got utterly brilliant service from their 'Soggie'. Either he's on amphetamines or he really does love his call centre new business job. He's got energy, he engages you in a warm and empathic manner and even if he does occasionally overuse 'fabulous' to describe most things, it was an altogether fabulous (did I say that?) experience.
Outsurance then e-mailed Netstar (part of the Altech group in South Africa) to call me with a view to installing the tracking device. That's when the wheels came off. I dealt with Martin at Netstar and it was a really frustrating experience. Call not returned, no passion, 'technicians can only fit it in a week's time' etc. 'Talking to Technical Manager'. Slack and unacceptable.
So being the militant, pain in the arse consumer I am, I called Outsurance back and we switched the fitment to Tracker. Tracker were willing to install the device the very next day - on site, without an additional call-out fee. Now that's decent service! Orchid for Tracker and in particular their Carrie-Ann Singh, the installation scheduler, who followed everything through to the nth degree. Well done girl! You deserve a salary increase.
Until this point in my odyssey the distinction for me, between the various tracking device companies, was blurred. I've found their advertising confusing and generic. But I sure as hell do know the difference now - based purely on service differentiation.
My advice to the customer-centric and service-orientated Outsurance? My experience with Soggie is totally congruent with your advertising promise - and that's both rare'n laudable. But some of your suppliers are pissing in the soup. Maybe do what Woolworths do. Put one of your own enthusiastic people in charge of your client's calls in the tracking company call centres. Maybe make the inimitable Soggie the customer-care or quality assurance manager. But right now, the likes of Netstar are doing damage to your reputation because of their failure to provide a firm and professional link in the value chain. Go sic em!
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