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Wednesday, 10 October 2007


Miles Crisp

I have got as far Gabon with Riaan, and also can't put it down. I am a keen mountain biker, and have done all the big local rides, Cape Epic etc. Riaan is in another league, he is my new hero! This guy is magic.

Kele Scheppers

Hi Clive,

I'm a fourth year New Media journalism student at Rhodes University. I'm doing a story on Rhiaan Manser's book launch at the National Arts Festival. May I please use your photo of Manser's book cover for an article with him.


Kele Scheppers

Clive Simpkins

Kele, you're most welcome to use the pic. Just spell the marvellous man's name correctly. Riaan! ;-) Regards, Clive

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