Like the Prez, I sometimes 'hibernate' if feeling wounded or ill. Guess it's a primordial cave-man hangover. But mercifully for Sefricans, I'm not the Prez. So my Yiddish message to Mbeki is 'Get over yourself already and stop making invisible!' Geddit?
We'll accept the Netshitenze-spun explanation about 'prior engagements' militating against Mbeki and his close cohorts attending the first 2008 ANC NEC meeting earlier this month.
But the media are running riot with speculation about suspended Director of National Prosecutions, Vusi Pikoli, police commissioner Jackie Selebi,
Bulelani Ngcuka, Jacob Zuma, Glen Agliotti and the unbelievably convoluted spider's web of intrigue that purports to connect these people. State agencies and/or resources are allegedly being used in covert operations by some or all of them, to spy on each other. I'd like to know who's picking up the legal tab for their various interdicts and court cases against each other.
It's a communications given that the rumour-mill kicks in big-time when there's an explicit communications failure. Then the wiring harnesses beneath the floorboards and in the ceilings begin to buzz, big-time. That's what we're experiencing right now. To use a delightful Spoonerism, it's a veritable rash of crooks'n nannies in all the nooks and crannies.
It's almost like Mbeki is waiting for the new ANC leadership to make the first move, so he can tweak his strategy, or get some new tactics going. Not OK when you're Head of State. Let's see our introverted, introspective, anti-social and yes, aloof (he's still puzzled by our use of that word!) President get out of his official residence and start acting like a President. Capish? Remember Mr. Prez - you're supposed to act like a politician - just like you used to.
And here's the Citizen editorial a day or two after my posting....