[Pictured: Paramahamsa Sri Ramakrishna. 1836-1886]
I followed an 'I'm right' type theological debate on Facebook today. I was aghast at the vitriolic attacks from self-proclaimed 'spiritual' people. It triggered the following thoughts, which I posted in response:
- 'God' in whatever way you may conceive of Her, Him, It, That, the Universal Consciousness, the Higher Self etc. doesn't need 'protection' by anyone. Nor proselytising.
- The path you are on doesn't matter. It's what you're doing on that path that does.
- It's not what you say and how much you argue. It's about how you live your authentic, congruent, inner life.
- One size does not fit all in spiritual development.
- It's absolutely normal and indeed very necessary to evolve spiritually. That may mean dramatic releases and new embraces.
- Spiritual development is like peeling layers of an onion. We think we have substance in each until we reach 'nothingness' and yet everything-ness.
- We grow from lower truth to higher truth.
- A wise saint (Sri Ramakrishna) said: Religions are like rivers. They all flow into that One ocean called God.
Peace! Salaam! Shalom! Shanti!
Thank you Clive, I enjoyed this view that you shared.
Posted by: Lars Lofstrand | Wednesday, 30 September 2009 at 21:39