Couple of suggestions: (I may add to this from time to time as new ideas strike me)
1) Start force-wide psychometric testing to identify potential loose cannons.
2) Make an extreme example of cops who engage in gratuitous brutality.
3) Make the price for being a rogue cop so high that nobody voluntarily tries it.
4) Start stress-relief support groups. And a buddy system for emotional venting.
5) Bring back up to date public-order policing training. It was evidently scrapped in ’94.
6) Put video cameras on the dashboards of all police vehicles.
7) Insist that cops pull up behind suspects as they do in the USA – so all is recorded.
8) Bring in skilled (or retired) members of the community who can play a role.
9) Make sure the cops understand that their role is indeed to serve and protect.
10) Make sure cops have a basic understanding of South African constitutional rights.
11) Use mandatory polygraph (lie detector) testing for cops found in behaviour breach.
12) Go for total transparency on corruption or brutality. No cover-ups.
13) Keep the lines of communication open and buzzing. We want to hear good news, too.
14) Put station commanders onto an incentive bonus. Cut it when their staff go rogue.
15) Create community forums where members of public and cops can discuss fears.
16) Introduce a "silent shopper" concept for members of public to test and report on cops.
17) Reintroduce higher cop personal discipline. Obesity & sloppiness out. Professionalism in.
18) Get schools to "adopt" a police-station so the divide between community & cops is reduced.
The first thing that came to mind is the psychometric testing. I concur with all the other ideas as well. Clive Simpkins for SAPS fixer.
Posted by: de Wet Vorster | Friday, 15 March 2013 at 11:31